10 June 2013

Some thoughts re: God and intimacy...

Moore: "Sometimes perhaps He is most obvious in aloneness and in darkness. He is with us to embrace, to hold so close we can hear His heart beat."

Nouwen: "Prayer is the way to let the life-giving Spirit of God penetrate all the corners of my being."

Me: Intimacy is hard. Although I know God already knows everything about me, I like to pretend that he doesn't. It's easier for me that way.

But his intimacy is not invasive or destructive. It doesn't demand. It waits for me-always on offer. Never failing.

My God is a generous God.


  1. I actually have less trouble with the idea that God knows me completely than with me knowing my own self completely. I know God loves & forgives me - I'm not as kind to my own self.

    1. It's funny because I am more the opposite. I may be hard on myself or not like myself at times but I tend to think God doesn't know about that part of me. Because, yeah, he's selective like that :)
